my daughters boyfriend went bankrupt last year before they met they are getting married soon how will this affect my daughter .They are living in boyfriends present home when married-can anybody help
They may find it difficult to get credit anywhere, especially if it's in a joint account the request, i.e credit cards and loans.
As your daughter will be using her own address for applications (if she ever does apply for anything), she should be fine, so long as she has a good credit rating herself.
If your daughter registers to vote from the "bankrupt" address so to speak then the credit reference agencies will hold this address for her. No address can be stored as being insolvent and only a person can be shown as insolvent however, an address with an bankruptee at teh address can show as a risk, thus making any other applicant a risk.
Its a very messed up system that needs a massive overhaul however, it works for one group of people only and thats the money lenders.