I have a two year Daughter and I call her vagina "tuppy" and a boy part "willy" (obviously, she doesnt have one but her 1 year old cousin does!) - is this cool?! I wont end up getting her beaten up at Nursery will I?!?! Also if she has wind I say "pumped" my Mom said its horrible and should say "pass wind" but I think that sounds old fashioned........
does cool come into it when they are at nursery?
I call my sons 'bob' as in 'bits and bobs' lol
If he passes wnd he says 'rip rap bottom, pardon me' I think its cute and its not offensive in any way
If you are concerned about what's "cool" then you need to re focus. In the list of what's important, silly names for body parts is about 10000th on the list of priorities. You have responsibilities now, try and get sensible.
yes, lets not think of anything ever, unless its of grave importance... you must ignore all random curiosities that cross your mind, even for a few minutes
I don't think it really matters, we always referred to my son's bits as a willie, now he's 5 and at school, he calls it his private bits. This is entirely led by him, itn is what you feel comfortable with.
If she is anything like my son, she will find pumping very funny
I was brought up to call my bits a 'Lily'...I suppose it does rather look like one!
My eldest daughter was brought up the same, of course...but my youngest call theirs either 'Minnie' or 'Chuff'..the last one is Mr Pippa's take on the matter, although I thought that was a Welsh term for a bum???
My son always referred to his tackle as a willy. However now he is 15 it has become a rather more 'grown up' name beginning with C. How uncouth ;o)
Loosehead and cazzz1975, really I dont think that your remarks were called for! For goodness sake THIS IS A QUESTION AND ANSWER SITE!!!!! Not a "I'm bored site so I'll give strangers random abuse because I would never have the balls to face to face site!"
Really for goodness sakes.
Everyone else, thank you for your answers and I am going with the name Lily! :O) I'm glad that there are still nice people on here who just answer the question. :O)