bought a dress 4 days ago - realise the size was wrong - as a result its to small. Shop didn't want to refund me. Find a cheaper dress elsewhere as well. Can anyone tell me if that is a right policy?
They don't have to refund you unless the item is faulty - which it isn't. Many places will give a refund or a credit note but they are under no obligation to do so.
Do they have fitting rooms? If so, and you didn't try the dress on then I don't think you've got a leg to stand on. If they don't have fitting rooms, you could argue that you didn't know it was the wrong size until you tried it on at home.
Did try the dress on in the shop,but when I got home and have another look at it (why it was so tight fitting) realise it was a size smaller. Anyway, thanx for your answer. Had it sorted.They are prepare to change the size for me