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So I was in the bath last night...

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Champagne | 09:46 Wed 02nd May 2007 | Body & Soul
19 Answers
...having my weekly wash, when I looked down and realised that my breasts were sort of 'floating' in the water which made them look like Pamela Anderson fake boobs (sort of jutting out of their own accord). This kept me amused for a good 5 minutes where I was trying to see just how big & false I could make them look.

Then I got bored so I rolled onto my front and then proceeded to submerge my head fully underwater and sang Whitney Houston's 'Saving All Your Love' at the top of my voice. This made me laugh, and then the sound of my gargling laughter made me laugh all the more and then I had to come up for breath before I drowned!

It was at this point that I was convinced I must be mentally unstable.

So I called the SANE mental health helpline to confirm this, but fortunately for them they've barred my number so I can't call them anymore.

Anybody else ever get up to silly antics when in the bath or shower? What do you do?


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No not really, I get into the bath to have a wash and relax then get out.
Well everytime i have a bath... i have to have a shower after.... so i try to usually just stick to showers otherwise i'm soaking for about 1 hour and 30 minutes!

No silly antics but u may be interestd to know that in my usual routine attempt to keep my downstairs garden looking pretty i could barely touch the grass!! Bloody bump is getting so big that i was almost out of breath!!
Now I have several mental pictures that will stay with me for the rest of the day!

Is it warm in here.......?
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PMSL champagne, thank you, that was my first laugh of the day!!

Thanks for that pa___ul :-)
It's not often I have the time for a relaxing bath as I am more of a shower person now a days but I listen to my MP3, sing at the top of my voice and I make bubble shoes! Lol.

I design shoes with the bubbles... and sculpt them around my foot! Can I have that Sane line number?
LOL , I must admit too Champagne that , although I can't get in or out of a bath these days , I , like Rubyrose , used to fashion bubble shoes or boots !!!
Champagne, I don�t understand why you would get bored of playing with your boobs after just 5 minutes. I wouldn�t.
nat - why do you need a shower after a bath?

bigmamma - why cant you get in or out of a bath?
They are great... sometimes I have little bubble strappy sandals... other times big boots.. that can go up to my knee!

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Oh that reminds me! I also make Santa Claus beards if I have a bubble bath!

I miss my ex-boyfriend's dog who used to hover around the bathroom when I was in the bath. I used to attack him with bubbles and watch him trying to get the bubbles off the top of his head. After a while he'd go downstairs and then all I'd hear was my ex shouting, "What the hell have you done to my dog?!" Hahahahahaa!

Hours of fun.


SANE: 0898 123 4567
Liquidspace , early onset of arthritis . :-(
i like to have a shower after the bath because i usually run really hot baths and also shave in them so i dont feel cleanand just a bit sweaty, so i have a cold shower to sort me out.
I discovered the joy of boobs floating on the water whilst on holiday last year in the pool! It was great but I couldn't stop playing and showing everyone my fantastic floating boobs! Can't wait to go away this year!
I do that Nat, well apart from the shaving bit. I tend to just use clippers for that and need to be near an elecricity socket. I also make sure I have a pint of water with me so that I don't die of thirst and it improves my singing voice. I like to sing Frank Sinatra's numbers such as My way or The lady is a tramp when I'm in the bath/ shower.
bigmamma - sorry to hear that

nat - good idea! I shave in the bath too and you get covered in little bits of your own fluff, not nice.

skreechee - you find an electricity socket and have some water to hand - hmmm, not so clever methinks!
nat--86 let your man help with that grass. try his electric beard trimmer. they work great. when i had my "bump" i would strugle to trim my toe nails n paint them. close to my due date i trimmed the grass did the toes n shaved my legs. took about 2 hrs but finally managed to get it done!!!
That's why I don't do it in the bath, I do it in my room and hoover it all up while the bath's running.

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So I was in the bath last night...

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