Spectator 1810 in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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Spectator 1810

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ulysses100 | 10:46 Mon 16th Apr 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
I've got the crosses and the buns, but cannot see the connection with the remaining three unclued answers for the word "hot" -- if indeed that is the connection.
I can get "coathanger" or "voetganger" ; ? water bouget ; and something to do with "the object". But what have these to do with "hot" ?
I normally complete this crossword but this time I am going round and round in circles -- please don't give me the answer, but a clue might help !!!
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I'm sorry I can't help but I understand the setter is one of 'us' and may come to the rescue with a hint.

Cheers K
What is the third 'cross', please ?
(I have Calvary and cleche)

3rd cross.....botone
Thanks ! (Must be botonne to fit the grid)

I suspect the remaining trio must represent H, O and T respectively, eg NOUGHT = O, and 'T could be .... the object

sorry - that should be botonn� (Brewer)
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Thanks for the thought cruciverbalist but I still cannot see a connection.
There are four remaining lights to complete for the trio representing "hot" and the letters are :
_ _A_T_E_B_EC_
(the first letters of 1 and 4 are the same).
I would appreciate any further thoughts.
The clue you are asking for is in italics below the name and address panel.

I think I'm done, but I'm not very impressed with the "buns", or have I got it wrong?
Question Author
well_i_never the bun words that I have begin with the letters BUN --- buntal, bungle and bunter.
I would be grateful to know what you have for the "hot" connections (1 and 39 ac, 1 and 31dn).
ulysses100 - it seems we have matching buns!

The clue given by logophile led me to the "hot" connections without too much difficulty.

If you really become desperate let me know and I'll see if I can think of a stronger clue.
Question Author
Thank you logophile and well-I-never, the penny has finally dropped !! I looked for all words that could come after hot, but not specifically for the definitions !! All solved.
Congratulations Ulysses on winning again!
Yes, congratulations on your First Prize !


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Spectator 1810

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