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Question about working for NHS?

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bluespinx | 10:53 Mon 07th May 2007 | Jobs
5 Answers
Hi, I have been offered a job with my local hospital as a Housekeeper. I just needed some help trying to understand the wage/pay scheme.

On the job description it has, Grade- Band 1 AFC
Hours- 26
Pay scheme- Band 1
Salary- �11782 - �12853.

I have asked the employer about the hours and i'm clear on that but i did'nt understand the whole pay scheme thing and salary???

If anyone could help i'd be very greatful.


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Bluespinx, sorry if I'm misreading or just being thick, but what exactly do you not understand with regards the pay scheme and salary?
Question Author
Hi, I don't understand the Grade - Band 1 AFC.
General information about pay in the NHS
Most jobs in the NHS are covered by the Agenda for Change (AfC) pay scales. This pay system covers all staff except doctors, dentists and the most senior managers. For information about pay for these professions see the pay information section in the medical or dental sections.

In AfC the NHS job evaluation system determines a points score which is used to match jobs to one of the nine pay bands and determine levels of basic salary.

Each of the nine pay band has a number of pay points. Staff will normally progress to the next pay point annually until they reach the top of the pay band. In addition to basic pay, there is also extra pay for staff who work in high cost areas such as around London.

See here for more information.
Ah! I'm with you now! I misread it I think. I blame working nights :-(

Top answer from CheekyChops though.
Question Author
Thank you CheekyChops!
I understand now lol

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