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just testing

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paddywak | 10:38 Wed 09th May 2007 | Animals & Nature
11 Answers
no question just trying to print bold


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Is it working?
so had do you do it?
now were all bold
Question Author
just playing with the tutorial
How do you do it ?
cool do you use javascript or HTML tags?
Question Author
If you go into the tutorial at the bottom of the page it's all there
I find this a lot easier than the AB tutorial and I am a complete computer dunce .I used to spend ages typing out the bits and pieces now one cut paste etc and its done for me .
i am as bold as you want me to be
Question Author
hi shaneystar, just been to your link & I agree it explains things nice & clearly. Like you I'm a bit a dunce but since starting to use this site I've picked up loads of useful tips

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just testing

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