Do you simply call your bank to say you have changed address over the phone? Or does the bank need documents to prove who I am, for instance do I need to go to the bank to show my ID in some way including my old address?!
Put it this way. Tomorrow morning I phone your bank and tell them that I am you and I have just moved house. I then give them my address and get all your bank statements sent to my address.
Hi bounceagain
I recently moved house and had to complete a form that I got from the bank. This is for sort codes etc and also security. They would not accept a written letter even though I was known to them. It all goes through a central office now and with my bank, there is a real backlog at the moment. I have not had a bank statement for three months now, even although they have my new address.
i recently had to go into the b/s and get a mortgage ref number, all they asked was my name and gave me the info, she then proceed to show me the computer screen with all the info i needed such as names on the mortage and address and dates of birth! not once did she ask me for any id