I think your daughter has something called PCOS. It stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and is a very common condition. PCOS is actually regulated by the pill, so your daughter wont have had any symptoms whilst she was taking it. However, without intervention from the synthetic hormones in the pill, the symptoms of PCOS start to become more apparent. These include, weight gain (especially round the tummy), lack of periods, or irregular periods, acne/oily skin, excess hair growth (usually facial), tiredness, pelvic pain, and many other odd symptoms. If you google search for PCOS you will find literally thousands of pages - It is a very common condition! Your daughter will probably find that once she goes back on the pill, everything starts to go back to normal. Her periods will become regular and her weight will normalise. Ideally, women with PCOS should stay on the pill until they are ready to try for a baby. The synthetic hormones in the pill are the perfect remedy for the condition, and most doctors would advise your daughter to go back on it. Incidentally, PCOS is hereditory. You may find other immediate female relatives have had period problems, difficulty conceiving etc. If you need anymore information, I am the world expert on this condition! Haha, Ok, maybe a slight exaggeration, but I do know quite a lot about it as I work in medicine and I suffer from it myself. Hope this info helps! Caroline