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Smoking Ban

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Chie | 16:33 Tue 15th May 2007 | Law
4 Answers
When the smoking ban comes into force on the 1st of July, will we be allowed to smoke herbal cigarettes in public places? Does the ban only apply to tobacco cigarettes?


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It applies to all smoking.
"The legislation covers the smoking of tobacco or anything that contains tobacco, or smoking any other substance, including manufactured cigarettes, hand-rolled cigarettes, pipes and cigars.

This means that anything that is smoked is covered by smokefree law, including manufactured and hand-rolled cigarettes, pipes, cigars, herbal cigarettes and water pipes (including shisha, hookah and hubble-bubble pipes)."

Source: #legcover

Bring it on and not a moment too soon! :o) YAY!

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Smoking Ban

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