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Birthday Cake

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kdawgbrodie | 14:48 Mon 30th Apr 2007 | Celebrity Gossip
9 Answers
Please can you try and help me find out where Jade Goody got her 25th birthday cake from. The party was in June 2006. I am looking for either a supplier or a picture. thank you


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can you tell us what is looked like?
how very very sad.................
Why did she buy 25 birthday cakes any way? isnt she fat enough?
It was a tarts and vicars fancy dress party I think I read so I assume it was a rude looking cake? You could contact her agent or one of her fanclub websites, maybe someone there could point you in the right direction.

If you know what it looked like then you could probably describe it to a local cake supplier at a much cheaper price to what Jade Goody probably paid.

Good luck in your search :o)

........Ps. What did the cake look like?
Apparantly she's pregnant with Jack's baby too!
you are all very sad people GET A LIFE.......................
Hmmm ok stokeace but only after you promise to stop venturing into these posts that you deem to be sad and telling people to get a life :o)
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You are all very very sad people. I was after this cake for a very special party that I am going to.
I hope your not including me in your reply kdawgbrodie as I was trying to be helpful!

Have you managed to find the cake?
Question Author
No I wasn't including you. Still havement managed to find cake, am giving up. No one seems to know who made it. Have also tried Jades fan club.

Thank you for your help

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Birthday Cake

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