This has happened a lot to me recently when you think of some one then a text arrives from them.
I left my phone up stairs most of the day so i thought id better see if I've had any missed calls or texts. There wasn't any so i was thinking she's not text for a couple of days then within a split second she texts me.
Does this happen to you ?
it happened to me this morning! i was thinking about texting someone, as i was looking for my phone it beeped (which was great coz then i knew where it was! lol!) it was the person i was about to text!! lol! and it happened last week, i thought that morning i'll give someone a text lunchtime when they're on their break. just as i was thinking it was time to text them they text me saying 'just thought i'd say hello while i was on my break'!! lol xXx
I had been in contact with an internet friend, but had heard nothing for months. It was something I never discussed with real-life people, until one day I was with the hairdresser having my usual coiffure and I mentioned it. During a 3-minute conversation, I received a text from that very person !! Now that is spooky.
MrKIA, I am unable to text him, he has network failure on his life has ended...and sorry to be pedantic but can you go back to RQ and not my name...ta love xx
The exact same thing happened to me today. I sent him a text and a few seconds later he replied saying he was just about to text me. Maybe we are so in tune with what each other is thinking. Spooky.