my 123 lb female dog has been taking Amoxi 500mg 2 capsules 3 times a day for 2 weeks now for a infection and has a lump in her throat and it does not seem to be doing anything, the lump is bothering her alot as it on her neck and the vet has said nothing I am getting concerned Thank You
Ask your vet! He must have an idea otherwise why the antibiotics. Tell him you are worried and want to know what he is treating her for, and what the outcome should be. If necessary ask one of the nurses to speak to him for you if you find that easier.
The tablets should work within a week and you should start to see an improvement by now if they are going to work.
You are paying your vet and you have a right to know what he is treating and what he plans on doing next. If you do not get any joy from him consider changing to another vet.
I did just yesterday, nothing; it is not easy around here to
find vets that will help you , I all so thought it should of
stated working first week instead he gave me the same
thing she is still the same I told them nearly another
week later and the type of infection she has,reponse on
that can't read his writing and yes the vet is there
I am from the US and I cancelled the appointment today
as after 2 weeks NOTHING I put her on all natural dog food
she turns 6 this month; also trying Silica
Thanks for asking