I'm with Waldo in this one - employing someone to do household chores offers no conflict with Soclialist principles - I am one, and I have a cleaner as well. As far as I'm concerned, I am buying free time to do what i want, and giving someone else the chance to earn some money to do the same. I do understand your discomfort, but think about it - do you feel bad when someone in a restaurant kitchen washes your dishes, after someone else has cooked you a meal? Course not - the principle is the same, it just takes a bit of mnetal adjustment to see it. You should be enjoying the fruits of your hard work, not beating yourself up for enjoying your free time - we are a different generation from our parents, we live different lifestyles. No-one is going to give you a gold medal for doing your own cleaning - just get someone reliable, and keep that little domestic detail to yourself.