Must appologise Naomi, I didn't realise a passage from the bible could cause you so much offence. I heard a sermon based on that passage and I've never been back, not because I was offended but because I saw what Matthew was saying differed so much from what these christian nutters are proclaiming! God is gracious but these idiots that are hell bent on arming mental zionist states like Israel with nuclear weapons are just asking for trouble. Send them food not bombs you bloody idiots, do you really think you can bomb your way into heaven??? Read that passage, it's very good you know. God bless you all, and may it be an all inclusive party at the pearly gates! Heed this all ye racist zealots you will never get into heaven without being kind and feeding your poor brothers, the end of the world isn't nigh, it's not going to happen until we can all live in harmony down here! People will come and go in the meantime though and if you fail the test of being compassionate and godly which most churches are bleeding well doing then you will never get into heaven, use your mind, see through the lies and lead a good life. Peace!