Ive just filled out the poll, but had to choose D) even though ive already emigrated... Could we have another option for those who saw the downward spiral and jumped ship. Or just keep in mind ex-pats for the next question.
Not daring to abbreviate you to BJ, Bob if I had no family ties in Britain I would seriously consider emigrating. There is always the problem of foreigners though, many of them don't speak English and you have to shout at them or speak very slowly.
True, I couldn't answer neither. I didn't jump ship just got married to a frenchman! Didn't speak the language but you learn. if you really want to do something you do it.
There are quite of us ex-pats on AB as it keeps us in contact with the country and what's going on and the general feeling of the country. Some brits think that those who left turned our backs; what they don't know is that we're more patriotic than those who live there and stand up and defend!!!
I left UK long ago , in fact I've been abroad longer than I was ever there. Of course, I still feel a strong attachment to Britain, especially Scotland, and AB keeps me in touch with what`s going on.
I don't somehow feel I have the right to criticize anything although sometimes I do. It gives me the feeling I still belong!
I agree with you, Bob AJ.
Please AB Ed, don't leave the ex-pats out in the cold!