my wife loves beetroot ,but ican,t even stand the sight of it.i can still recall the foul taste even after at least 35 years .shouldn,t it now be banned and people who insist on eating it be publicly named and shamed?
Beetroot young and tender, not old and stringy, is beautiful, just boiled, or pickled,with mature cheese, and makes an excellent "sherry style" wine.
I had a friend who ate so much beetroot when she was little (only veg she would eat infact) that her pee turned purple. She thought this was such a cool side affect that she kept on eating more and more!!!
Hello, my name is coggles and I love beetroot. I eat it most days of the week and quite often have gherkins on the same plate. It make your salad cream go a pretty pink colour too. My husband calls it 'devils food'.
Hot beetroot with no dressing on white bread thick with butter. Heaven!!! My grandad used to boil beetroot in the back yard behind his greengrocer's shop and the smell has always made my mouth water. My husband and son feel physically sick at the sight of it!