MilitaryOperations/baptismOfFireForGrenadierGu ardsOfficerInAfghanistan.htm Since we do not receive much news from Afghanistan, it was interesting to come across the linked site, which reported the fact that The Grenadier Guards now have their first Black officer, why this needs to be reported when we are constantly being told to ignore a person's skin colour.
But this is not an isolated case Tiger Woods the first Black to win the Masters golf tournament, Lewis Hamilton, the first Black F1's racing driver, etc, etc. Is not all this highlighting of Black's achievements somewhat patronising towards Blacks or is it political correctness rearing it's ugly head once again?
Incidently reading his experience of combat in Afghanistan, should not heavy weapons have been used in the first sighting of the enemies Mortar, instead of putting the lives of our troops at risk, just in case it was later proven that it was not a mortar?
With yet another soldier's life lost, the time has come to stop trying to win the hearts and minds of these people, at such a high cost to our own people.