not personally but it does if you need to get a visa to enter the states then make sure you do. They will check criminal records etc and its not worth travelling all that way just to get sent straight back again. Think i'd rather pay the fee �70 i think to get a proper visa thing than waste hundreds in plane fares
but apply early if you need a visa as it can take weeks if not months. The vast majority of people get in with visa waivers, after filling out forms on the plane, so do that unless you have good reason to suppose you don't fit the criteria.
the US customs DO NOT have access to the british criminal records,they are only notified of people who are thought to be a risk to security,drug runners etc and serious offenders,ie serial killers,etc,etc,so if you have been nicked for shoplifting 10 yrs ago use the form on the plane,you will have no problems.