The Prospect Magazine for June is now on-line, but it appears we are not able to access the Generalist crossword via this format. Or is it just myself with this problem?? (S).
If you go to the contents page it makes it very clear that certain articles are 'free' and others restricted. If you press on the restricted ones it says only available to subscribers. The crossword is not listed, but I'm hopeful it's just a blip as you don't get the 'access restricted' message up.
The last message I had from them they said that there was a problem with the downloading of the crossword and that they were attending to it.
Someone on AB said it was due out - the crossword - tomorrow so let's be patient and see. If we still can't download it one of us can email them again.
I was told by a member of the Prospect staff that I would not have to be a subscriber in order to download their crossword.
I also have tried and got the same message as JJ.
I have subscribed to this thread so if anyone has success can they let us know and I'll have another try.
I will be very disappointed if they stop it being accessed via the web as it's a great brain stretcher!