There are connective fibres under the skin and when these are a bit short they pull in and create those lovely dimples! I'm a healthy size 14 but even when I was a size 8 at 18-years-old I had cellulite. Good news is, no man I've met has any idea what it looks like (or so they tell me when they insist they've never noticed my dimply thighs) bad news is no amount of creams will make it disappear (it's like suggesting fat can be melted away with creams - only liposuction can do that). Best bet is to keep the skin really moisturised (all skin looks better when it glows - Palmers cocoa butter is the best), stay at a healthy weight, get plenty of exercise and slap on some fake tan - it's fab at minimising the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. And don't forget - most women (and men!) have cellulite and are too busy worrying about their own wobbly bits to notice anyone else's!