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Retrieving information from an old sim card

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Suade7 | 20:56 Mon 04th Jun 2007 | Technology
2 Answers
I have an old sim card, it used to be for a pay as you go phone, I also still have the old top up card for it. I have put the sim card into an unblocked phone I have and retrieved a couple of telephone numbers, however it does display no signal and I can't check for old messages, I have not used it for a couple of years and i'm just intrigued to see what may be on there. If I was to pay for some top up on the top up card would that allow me to investigte further. Thank you so much for any answers in advance,x


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A lot of networks 'cancel' sim cards if they are not used for 6 months so even if you put credit on, you might not be able to get anything from it. Vodafone definately do, although they will reactivate if you ask them - from their website:

Where the Mobile Equipment is suspended or disconnected because you have chosen not to use the services for a period of 180 days, we will, on request and reconnection to the services, recredit the TopUps held on your account at the time of suspension or disconnection. Where we have disconnected the Mobile Equipment for cause reconnection and recrediting will be at our discretion. Credits will not be refunded to disconnected accounts.
Thank you so much for your help, that's great,xx

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Retrieving information from an old sim card

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