I enjoy a bacon sandwich. This is equally enjoyable with toasted bread.
I enjoy a sausage sandwich. This too is equally as enjoyable with toasted bread.
Further, I enjoy a cheese snadwich. Again, no problem if the bread is toasted.
However, I also enjoy a chip sandwich (a chip butty). However, even in the greasiest of greasy spoon cafes, this would never be enjoyed as a chip toastie.
Am I alone in this preference. A chip sandwich made from toast, just doesn't seem right does it?
You're right,Joe. Toast is just too stiff and unyielding. It won't happily soak up the vinegar and HP sauce and joyously mould itself around the carefully placed chippies.
Never had a chip toastie, but I cannot think of anything worse to eat. As previously stated, toast is nice but certainly not with chips.
Hs to be a soft roll or bread with loads of butter on it. Yummy! lol
Don't eat bacon, don't like chips very much, hate cheese.
For your chip sandwich, stuff it up with healthier food, not sure if you have heard of vegetables?? It keeps the pounds off so to speak....anyway, then add hummus or any kind of sauce so its not too dry. Enjoy.
No way, not ketchup, brown sauce, it's got be HP brown sauce on thick white bread, not toast, that would be ungodly. Just 1 round of bread, spread with Flora margerine or Anchor butter folded over and proper chips not these McTosspot skinny things, chips like my Granny (God rest her soul) used to make! LOL DROOOOOOL!!