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Proud KNJOK? proud of what exactly?? A country thats attitude toward their own children is appallling! not EVERYONE i grant you but unlike our European neighbours our kids are deemed a nuicence whilst on holiday and foistered off to the nearest kids club! I have done it myself (the kids club i mean not left her alone) you see other families Spanish Italian french etc all dining out together numerous generations all enjoying a 'family' meal like it should be, but unfortunately isn't. However i am not speaking for the nation just generally, and with regard to your other comment 'all pulling together' that is B*LLOCKS.....British people are the best at rallying round etc.. but this long drawn out travelling circus is just becoming tedious now, and i for one am tired of it being in your face, i think we have all got the message now, and i end with the obligatory 'hope she gets found safe and sound etc etc etc