I have two goldfish in the same tank. One is perfect the other is losing it's colour and is turning silver in colour - Does anyone know what is causing this ? Old age ? Bleaching from additives to the tap water ?
I was told that when changing a fish's water, leave the water out that you intend to use in a bowl for 24 hours - that way the impurities somehow leave the water (not sure if that works, though). The colour loss may be due to sunlight, which can bleach a fish, although if it's only happening to one fish...
are ur two goldfish at the same age? if yes, the one losing colour may get sick; if no, and the one losing colour may be getting old and will die in the near future. do the fish fight against each other?observe them. Bleaching? that's rare.anyway, the best way is to ask a veterinarian.
just found that goldfish lose their color if they are kept in a dim light or they are placed in a body of running water, such as a stream. They remain gold when kept in a pond or in a bowl with adequate illumination. and there may be some fish lice or bacteria Mycobacterium.This infection can infect humans, so take precautions when siphoning water from the tank. for more details,log on http://members.aol.com/sirchin/ailment1.htm.