ChatterBank12 mins ago
Barking dogs again!
7 Answers
We have several neighbours with dogs, in our otherwise peaceful road. Is there a CD of barking dog sounds, that I can play 'very loudly' from my house, after the owners have had enough & decide to take these pests indoors! The local council have written to a couple of the owners, but now need three different signatures from neighbours to take the matter further & although others complain, they are not willing to be known. Why do people have dogs, after all, they really are only s**t machines on legs! The dogs I mean! I expect some retalliation on this one - but we are not all dog lovers!
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.P.S. Whilst on the subject of dogs, a gorgeous little boy we know, of only 5 yrs of age, had his eye removed at Gt Ormond St Childrens Hospital, due to Toxocara. His dog was subsequently put down, but it was too late to save the little boy's eye. So please be aware all dog lovers, especially those with children! P'haps you'd like to peruse this website: & you'll see why I may appear paranoid to you!
I sympathize with your problem but not all dog owners are the same. I own two dogs myself and one thing I cannot stand is dogs barking incessantly and as for being S.M. on legs don't all animals s**t, it a matter of responable owners clearing up after them and worming them. I think your problem is the owners not the dogs.
I implore you to speak directly with your doggie neighbours. Our jobs became very demanding for a period and w did not know that our dogs had become incessant barkers and were annoying a particular night-shift neighbour until she abused us. We then took all steps to resolve the problem to everybody's satisfaction and we all still live happily ever after (although I don't feel that I can mention the horde of rats she now has because it might seem like payback).
This is potentially a public nuisance situation, depending on the legal jurisdiction of where you live. If the barking is a continual nuisance and affects a whole group of people then they may have a legal right to resolve this issue. The council could take action if enough people are brave enough to stand up to the dog owners. Everyone has a right to peace and enjoyment of use of their own property but should take their neighbours in to consideration. We have a problem with a neighbour who complains about our baby waking up early in the morning and crying! There is not a lot you can do about that but this neighbour has not got kids so has no idea at all about what parents have to put up with! You could always make your own recording of barking dogs but make sure you get the dog's permission first for using their vocals!!! that was a joke by the way!
I agree with the overall consensus of opinion in that you should be blaming the owners - I have father and son labradors who are walked vigorously twice a day, so much so that comer the evening they are just too damned knackered to bark. You will probably find that these people do not walk their dogs properly, if at all, which is one of my bugbears - dogs need to be exercised. I read recently that blowing a dog whistle is effective to silence dogs as it surprises them, but then who who wants to do that late at night/early in the morning. Not an ideal answer, but we've had enough of our road so we're moving. As for the s**t machines on legs comment, which is a fair point because my two produce mountains of the stuff (which does get cleaned up incidentally), but what amazes me the most is that cat owners (cats are as close to vermin as you can get without actually being vermin) let their animals s**t in the house - and from my experience usually in the kitchen. Absolutely disgusting.
I totally agree with the opinion of quite a few other peeps that it's the owners, not the dogs. If people would take responsibility for themselves and the pets they choose, the world would be a much better place.
I love dogs and to me, having to carry a steaming bag of ick several miles home from a walk is a very small price to pay for having a dog. Unfortunately, the world seems to be poulated with a high proportion of idiots who have no consideration for anyone else and think nothing of leaving a trail of dog s**t behind them wherever they go (or, even worse, who just turn their dogs loose onto the streets all day).
As to the barking thing - dogs tend only to bark a lot when there's something wrong (boredom from being left alone all day etc). It's a shame that some people don't take this into consideration before buying a dog.
I also have aneighbor with a barking dog, wehave complained to them, the town animal control, tehy do nothing. Its been 3 years of migraines, the dog goes from 6am-11pm on and on, we close our windows in the summer, turn up our stereo to cover the barking, what a way to love, cook out?? no way, this is such noise polloution, we are thinking about moving, as far as the neighbor, he threatened us for having the never to complain !