Well the simple answer is that when you print from word pad or a test page you are printing simple A4 sized output onto A4 paper.
But the internet does not have a concept of A4. You have probably noticed that if you increase or decrease this size of your browser window the text and pictures on the page expand or contract to fill the page.
So if you come to print an internet page it is trying to fit this flexible layout onto a single A4 page.
I am not sure what page you are trying to print but a look at the times online shows me that the pages are made up of lots of different areas, articles and adverts, like this:
http://travel.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_s tyle/travel/where_was_i/article1271593.ece
This "page" is not a static page but it built up by some clever internet software, so printing it is difficult because it is so fluid and dynamic.
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