OK, as I said yesterday, digitalis is made up of a number of cardiac gIycosides and toxicologists prefer to discuss the toxicity of digitalis in terms of the two main components, namely digitoxin and digoxin. Let's deal with them one at a time.
Digitoxin is regarded as super toxic. Now this may seem a pretty vague term for a scientist to use, but believe it or not, it's an official classification of toxicity amongst toxicologists and is the next step up above extremely toxic. Ingestion of toxic quantities of digitoxin causes nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, disorientation, hallucinations, weakness and fatigue amongst other symptoms. Visual disturbances also arise such as flickering lights or changes in colour vision. Digitoxin is capable of causing cardiac arrhythmias and electrolyte imbalances in the body and these may well lead to fatality. Death actually occurs because the heart goes into ventricular fibrillation and then cardiac arrest. In humans, the lethal dose is usually between 3mg and 10mg.
Digoxin is also regarded as super toxic and digoxin poisoning causes almost identical symptoms as digitoxin. Oddly, from a diagnostic point of view, digoxin poisoning generally causes convulsions whereas convulsions are rare in digitoxin poisoning. Most toxicologists will give you a figure of less than 5mg/kg as the human lethal dose.