I dreamt that I was on a train going over a huge bridge above a river. 2 people jumped out comitting suicide, and I wasn't prepared to call the police on my mobile because I thought that there was too much noise on the train and it would be annoying! Nice.
I was at a party with my best mate and we spent most of the party inspecting Justin Lee Collins' nipples. Dont remember anything else or anything odd about them.
I got slightly s++t faced last night so thank god i did nt have one!
although i tend to have very odd ones, but then again i am quite odd!
i ve dreamt on several occasions my teeth are falling out!!
i ve been told its quite common
Well i had a really cr*p sleep last night, so i dont recall having a dream.
But last week i had a really horrible disturbing dream... I currently live on the first floor of an estate and dreamt that there was a mass raid and the police were after these boys that i went to Secondary School with. One boy in particular (that was on my class, bit rude and not the nicest guy in the world) was cornered and so jumped out of the window from my floor and i remember it so vividly.... his head hit the floor and he BOUNCED so hard and came straight back up and then down to hit the floor again. Was really graphic and disturbing...:o( sometimes dreams are so weird and you just think...why was HE in my dream/nightmare?!?!
Well my dreams are always wierd.. not wired rite i finks!
last nite i was in control of an airline, working in the middle of a jungle, surrounded by loads and loads of jaffacakes. Also, had that bloke that used to present fun house in there somewhere.. i must see a doctor!
i dreamt that that new guy in the BB house - the greek one was a fluffer in porn films ???!!!!! how completely random, i'm still very confused about that
Justin Timberlake tried it on with me. Yes, I'm well aware it was a dream! :o)
I was gutted when I woke up; it was one of those dreams that seems really real. He did give me his number, though, so I'm still trying to remember it. ;o)
I have really weird, very active dreams every night and usually wake up more tired out than I was when I went to bed.
Oh, and just before I woke up this morning, I was having a bust-up with Ziggy from BB.
Im curious mccfluff........has your nickname got anything to do with being a fluffer? lol
I rarely remember my dreams and the ones I do remember are usually so awful I try my best to forget them! I had one a coupld of nights ago about my daughter. I wont go into details as it was not at all nice but the result was I had to pack just our clothes, some food and water, load up the car and basically run away from everyone, including family and friends, as this was the only way to protect her!!
I was at the pictures with Halle Berry. I sort of snuggled my head against her neck and shoulder, which seemed very natural.
I think it comes from a discussion I ws having with my daughter earlier in the evening, watching BB - when I was saying that as time goes on, all the housemates become more tactile than they would be oustide - it's part of the bonding process.