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Cut on Face

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cheater123 | 20:16 Tue 12th Jun 2007 | Health & Fitness
4 Answers
I have got quite a big cut on my cheek which has now scabbed over. Would it be best to just totally leave it? Or maybe keep washing it gently with water or something as I obviously don't want it to scar! Any help appreciated.


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It's difficult to answer without knowing details i.e. precise anatomical location, depth of cut, length, width, method of injury, infection risk etc.
It would be advisable to see your GP in any case.
Usually though I would be inclined to say leave it alone, the scab is there to protect from infection and to re-organise and repair the damage.
Gently washing the area would be ok, but don't disturb the scab.
Unfortunately you may find that the area scars anyway, however scars mature and generally look better with time.
Depending on the extent of the injury and/or scarring it may be possible in future to have some revision surgery to improve the aesthetics, but this would typically only be after a long period of healing.
I think the best thing is to leave it. don't hold me to it.

I have a massive scar on my leg from a cut that I showered with everyday, it has now left me with a huge scar.

once it has healed the best thing to use is coco butter, to help reduce scars, I have been using for 3 weeks now. noticing it slightly, but they say it takes a couple of months to notice the difference.

As it is on your face, i think you should ask your GP
It would depend on the deepness of the cut. I have used vaseline on my fact before when I fell and had a huge graze on my cheek (it did bleed a little). Basically I kept the wound covered in vaseline day and night, never let it dry to a hard scab and the damaged area gradually reduced daily and by the end of the week nothing but a red mark which eventually disappeared. Not sure if it will work for cuts but could be worth a try.
Try rubbing a little arnica cream into it to help it heal, and don't pick it, let it heal itself!

If it does scar, try getting some bio oil and rubbing it into the scar twice a day - it is good for reducing scarring

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