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joy division remix

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Katieb | 20:53 Wed 13th Jun 2007 | Music
2 Answers
Please please please can anyone help me find a remix that ive been trying to find for the past three years!!!!!!!!!!! I heard it being mixed at Glastonbury 2004 and have been trying to get hold of it ever since. Its a remix of Love will tear us apart by Joy division, mixed with a song called love will keep us together - not sure who by, think its a 70's song.

I know this sounds very vague but maybe some very clever people out there can help save my sanity!!


Katie xx


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It is claimed that "Love Will Tear Us Apart" was written as a cynical response to the 1975 hit "Love Will Keep Us Together" by Captain & Tennille, so perhaps it is only right and proper that they be combined.

Apparently there is such a mash-up by Malcolm McLaren...
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Your a star!!! Cheers xxxx

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joy division remix

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