Hi magic, It's best to keep it in that small pot for as long as possible otherwise if it's potted on in a pot which is too big it may cause it to rot off.
Keep it in a light sunny position but shading from mid-day sun from may to september, they seem to grow best if they get plenty of sun in the morning.
In the spring and summer give them plenty of water but ease off if the compost is still holding plenty of moisture (I normally judge this by testing the weight)
Keep water off the leaves when watering as this can cause them to rot.
Feed every fortnight from mar to oct.
When you do need to plant it into a larger pot put some crocks in the bottom to improve drainage.
Any off sets (small plants) that appear at the base can be potted up when they are about an inch (2.5cm) to make some extra plants. Good Luck Tbird+