i am a regular on this site, as you can see i would prefer to remain annoynomous as is to why iv created a new account.
recently i have put quite a bit of weight on! and am beginning to think i am pregant although i havnt missed a period (call it a weird feeling iv got) iv started a new pill and my 21 days are not up yet? until i have my 7 day break, should i wait until then to see if i come on my period or buy a pregnancy test to confirm my worries thankyou.
new pill could be making you "feel" pregnant. You can get a pack of 2 tests from Asda for 3.58 much chepaer than anywhere else. Take a test now and if thats negative do another when you are on your break.
I agree with sasha, you will obviously be aware of the other points raised but why not just go and buy a pregnancy testing kit, they are relatively inexpensive and will satisfy your curiosity or allay your fears one way or the other.