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teacher1 | 00:01 Thu 21st Jun 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
Watch out all you Answerback funtrivia quiz experts I am back tomorrow !!!!!!!
Up-date on the other half - She had an operation on her arm today and they are allowing us to fly home tomorrow - muchj to her relief !!!! Weather is still great here. Beer is even better , but I still am glad to be coming home. Speak to you all soon. All the best from Lanzarote.


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So good to hear from you John, we have all been concerned and eagerly await your return. Will post this on Answerback for you...where they are all missing you. Kind regards to your wife, and best wishes for a speedy recovery!!..speak soon, on your journey! :-)
best wishes
Hi teacher .. look forward to your return ... it was such a shame that your "other half" had an accident so soon after your arrival ... Cheers (S)
Best wishes to you , and you're other half .................b..b
Welcome back and have a safe journey, also wishing your better half (whoops! OTHER half) a speedy recovery. Best Wishes from sunny Lancashire - the beer is pretty good here too.
glad things are going ok, look forward to your return
hope you have a good journey home teacher 1 and that your better half makes a speedy recovery ps could you bring some decent weather home with you please

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