I have tried the injection curly~sue, but I found I came out in massive yelow headed spots all over my back and a friend told me she had had the same experience!
This problem isn't easy to deal with in a relationship. My boyfriend has tried to be understanding, but now he is getting really frustrated and thinks I am having an affair cos I must be having sex somewhere else, apparantly. He finds it very hard to understand that I just do not have any interest in sex and sometimes even the thought of it leaves me cold. The more me and my boyfriend argue and fall out over it the less likely I am to fancy having sex with him.
Coming off the pill is an option I have considered but I think using condoms would have even more of a dampener on things than there already is. I have varied my pill over the years, to the extent that I am now just on the Progestogen only pill, but nothing seems to have changed.
Skreecheeboy, your theories sound great on paper but as you have never had this problem I do not think you are very qualified to comment. I know that sounds harsh, but you like my boyfriend seem to see it as very black and white, and it is not!!
I know how you are feeling curly~sue, I often feel as if this problem makes me less of a woman, frigid even, and that is not a nice feeling