One of my best friends was recently the victim of an unnecessary and particularly brutal attack on his doorstep. He has had to have his face re-constructed and his jaw wired to hpull it back into place.
He feels discomfort during the day but is in great pain in the evening. The medication from his GP/Hospital isn't strong enough. Does anyone have any suggestion that he could try.
Thank you
He really needs to go back to the doc and tell them what the problem is. Sometimes tweaking the medication slightly or adding a muscle relaxant can help. He certainly shouldn't add anything to a meds regime without checking with the doc, not even aspirin
Having been through something very similar to yours my partner was attacked on our doorstep and was nearly killed, all i can say is go back and ask the doctor for stronger pain killers and explain whats happening and where the pain is. It will go soon just tell them to hang in there. Send my thoughts and good wishes to your friend x.