my dogs are all scratching alot, one inparticular will lick and bite herself causing the skin to go red and inflamed, they allseem very sensitive from the ribcage back towards there hind legs and if you stroke them they start to scratch, can anyone help tell me what the problem might be.
Smudge is right. Sounds a lot like fleas, which is incredibly uncomfortable, so please take them to the Vet & make sure you deflea the environment as well as the dogs or the fleas will just come back again.
The fact that they start to scratch when you stroke them is a symptom of flea infestation.
Take advice from Smudge and PurplePixie. Flea infestation can lead to really nasty skin complaints which can be difficult to heal. Best thing for fleas is Frontline, but only vets can supply this. There are cheap alternatives but they don't work. Get them to the vets asap.
Could be a liver (or some other organ - can't remember) complaint. My dog had the same symptoms. If you scratched her almost anywhere, she'd rapidly move her hind leg in a scratching motion.