In my corner shop this morning I bumped into a man who is now a woman. I guessed he was undergoing the change about 2 years and I barely recognised him. It was only the nose and eyes, that really gave it away and that he(she) said hi. He looked really good and I was obviously flabbergasted and told him. Anyway it got me thinking. Will, if he is genetically disposed to it, still get male pattern baldness or will the hormones prevent that from happening?
Normally they have electrolysis for that and then can use a patch or some topical ointment to stop that growing back but it suggests that they would still go bald.
I thought that the hormone tablet made the facial hair thinner?
there was a program on local tv here a few weeks back about 2 men who are in the midst of this operation and suffer with baldness/receeding hair? i never gave it a thought what they would do about it??
saying that mother in law who has thankfully recovered from cancer has been equipped with a wig that if you didnt know you wouldnt be able to tell!!!
Pa____ul to Pauline nice easy switch, maybe you should consider it!! just for a laugh of course, you could have it reversed if you didnt like like it!!
im sure the extra hormones will help delay the baldness.but not all guys get it.
recently a transsexual was in the bar with her friend.
was such a laugh.spoke real scouse like lilly savage had big nails and the full makeup etc.
was real laugh full of the scouse banter.
even left me money for a beer.
does that mean im attractive to women and transsexuals or was it just the banter??
I have made a little paper cut of you and I stick little dresses, hats and wigs on you. I call you Paula and I make you dance with the manly Supernick cut out I have of him. Hes all hands when you wear that sexy little red dress though.