CarLoan in my name for son in law in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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CarLoan in my name for son in law

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Pascal60 | 23:13 Fri 29th Jun 2007 | Motoring
2 Answers
IMy son in law got a car and I was the name on the loan we voluntarly ask ed for the loan to cease they came and took the car looked round it gav ehim some paper work I am now being told I owe nealy �2000 I do not know what for and my experian report on the loan says settled. I ahve had a letter from their solicitor asking for payment by 7th July I am frantic with worry as I have never faulted on any oustanding payments on anything . Please help Frantic mum in law
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surley it must be for the difference between the loan amount and what the vehicle sold for at auction?

i.e if you owed �10,000 and it sold for �8,000 you may have to pay the difference?
You need to give more details
It is difficult to say from what you have posted.
How far into the loan were you - what tem was it - why and how did you terminate the agreement?

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CarLoan in my name for son in law

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