Question Author
The Prophet.
Not at all as far as I am concerned. You would know if I had been on the Sherry as I would have been down my town centre causing mayhem, after I had given the missus a good hiding before leaving, finishing my evening off with a spell in the local A & E where I would have proudly shown off my self inflicted injuries whilst being highly abusive to the nursing staff - I am British after all, as soon as I smell the slightest whiff of alcohol that's me given permission to behave in the most aggressive and offensive behavior possible. Not like those johhny foreigners who were brought up in a different culture and therefore enjoy themselves whilst remaining perfectly socialable and non violent.
I mean the country will really be going to the dogs if we have to actually accept that booze doesn't create socio pathic tendencies, it just frees people up to behave in ways that sober they just might feel inhibited either from some sort of moral order or fear of repercussions.