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Sat Nav

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fbg40 | 19:03 Mon 02nd Jul 2007 | Technology
4 Answers
This is a "sequel" to my question posted on 22 June regarding Sat Nav. I am now in a quandary as to what make of Sat Nav to buy - should it be Tom Tom, Garmin, Navman or whatever !! I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure. Any tips/hints would be greatly appreciated.
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Have a look through the forums here:

http://www.globalpositioningsystems.co.uk/foru m/

When I was looking I was told Tom Tom 'boots up' a lot quicker than Navman. I'd have bought the TT but it doesn't come with a charger you can use at home. I dont have a cig lighter in my car and they didn't have any home chargers in stock so I went for the Navman.

It does take a while to get going but i've been happy with it for occasional use.

I would have preferred the Tom Tom though and the nice man at Halfords was offering it at a lower than published price - worth asking!


ps Be careful when you do get one. I dropped mine from a short height in its protective case. The screen shattered - this is quite common apparently and they charge as much to fix it as a new one. But GPSMidlands will replace one much cheaper!

I've used the NavMan brand since I had it as an add-on to a Compaq iPaq and always liked the service provided. Although there are a lot more 'cool' things you can do with a Tom-Tom (e.g. add voice packs) I think the NavMan for looks, features and clarity has always done me proud.

I currently have a NavMan N20i, the entry model for the new 'NavPix' series. Came with full Europen road-level maps and two updates from NavMan which you can use for Speed Camera updates and things such like.
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Thanks for your replies. Will take these points into consideration.
Thanks again

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