Ken Dodd, Michael Douglas, Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Robbie Williams (Quit his whinging once and for all), Jade Goody, Kerry Katona,Paris Hilton,Adam Sandler,Richard Gere,Jodie Marsh,Frank Sidebottom(try and save him bob),the guy off Bargain Hunt who isn't David Dickinson,the singer from My Chemical Romance who thinks he's Billy Corgan,Ricky Gervais,Natasha Kaplinsky(and her hair),Joss Stone,Miss Walsh, my old PE teacher who made my life a misery,Julie's next door but one neighbour,the snotty woman in the chemist who thinks I'm a teen mum, David Gest,Madonna,Guy Ritchie and anyone who was in any of his films(apart from Brad obviously),Darren Day,Britney Spears, Claire Sweeney(would you buy a house in Spain from her?)Nicole Ritchie, Lindsey Lohan, Barry Scott,The Nolan sisters, everyone in Eastenders.
And the driver would be Tom Jones :)