I found the nicotine gum helpful .. you chew it and it tastes pretty strong and wierd, but you leave it in your gum or under your tongue and then when the flavour comes out you chew it a bit more and stick it back in place. Just the act of doing that actually got rid of the craving. Where did you used to smoke? I used to stand on my front step and smoke outside, so I still walk out there and have some fresh air, whilst chewing my gum. I will reduce this habit over time to try and get it out of my system. Remember that the cravings are only for a few seconds, even if you have lots of them in one amount of time. Also remember the only cigarette you need to quit is the first. That is just ONE cigarette you are not smoking. Finally remember that as each day goes by you are reducing the receptors in your brain that make you crave, so it WILL get easier, you just need to keep going to prove it. If you need support, look up the NHS programmes, ring your GP surgery for advice on their stop smoking clinics, and just keep reminding yourself that you are choosing life, not denying yourself anything. Good luck!