People claim he done a Makaveli (sp?!) and is still alive. I don't personally think he's dead. In some of his video's for more recent songs he has sneakers on that weren't available or released in the US or anywhere until after his death. There are many theorys. In his albumns there are messages mentioning his death and him coming back again. I think give it another couple of years and he will be around under a different name.
I think he's still alive, he's released practically more records since he's been dead than he did when he was alive!! Plus he makes reference to the death in some of his songs and he can't ever been seen to be alive or biggie's lot will get him anayway. There are *apparently* pictures of Tupac's body on the autopsy table but these would be WELL easy to fake. I reckon he is around, producing, writing and still recording under his own name but under the guise that he actually recorded ALL this stuff BEFORE he died. Hmmmm.
Ok, so if he is still alive, why hasn't he been papped loads of times? I'm sorry, I don't buy it. He's dead, simple as that. He surely would have been uncovered if he was still alive. I'd like it if he was though...
over rated simply cos he died and everyone has to say how fantastic he would be very uncool in the rap fraternity to say that - no balls the lot of em