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Which is better?

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SickThings | 09:09 Thu 05th Jul 2007 | Phrases & Sayings
11 Answers
Which is better - the bees knees, or the dogs bo****ks?


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DOG's B'x, since it is refering to something that's fantastic. Not that im into looking at dog B'x but you can hardly shout about a little old tiny bumble bee's little old knee can you. Very unimpressive!
True Blue, I would love to know why you find a dogs testicles so fantastic!!!

Please explain!!

And yes I do know where the expression originated!!
oi i did say that i'm not into them - now i have really landed myself in it!!! Butlets be honest - a teeny weeny bee's knee? i didn't even know they had knees!

where does it come from them ratters :->
Little tiny bees kneww, dont they have little pouches on them where they hold pollen so they can live. So without bees knees we wouldnt have bees. Well without dogs Bo****ks ....... Oh I dont know. I dont like dogs anyway so I'm going for bees.
Should this be in food and drink?
What does a cat thet got the cream actually look like???

Well, is it the dogs bits or the bees knees?
I prefer bog standard.

Supposedly came from Meccano sets 'Deluxe Box' or Box Standard - translated to 'Dogs Boll*x' and 'Bog Standard'
Lankeela - shame it's totally apocryphal!
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Mutt's Nuts is less offensive than Dog's B........ and more akin to Bee's Knees.
Do bees have knees?

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Which is better?

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