News2 mins ago
12 Answers
Right now there is a ton of controversy regarding the issue of homosexuality and if it is morally right; even among Chrittians there is disagreement. Some Christians say it is wrong because the bible clearly states that "man shall not lay with man", however, other Christians agrue that the bible also states that if a woman's husband dies, she is to go to his brother. Could any of you offer opinions and/or scripture to back up either side of this issue?
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.The verses you cited are from the Old Testament, a time in history when having children to keep the species growing was really important.Since Christians really should be aiming to follow the words of Jesus, and He said NOTHING about homosexuality, I think it's not something He wants us to make such a big deal over. He did say a lot about loving your neighbor, treating others the way you want to be treated, and creating peace - much more important issues, I would agree!
All you need is a few chapters in the "bible" to show you what God thinks of Homosexuals... Genesis Chapter 9... pay particular attention to verse 5 which says... "And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them."
Now in the old testament, when it says "to know them" it is clearly speaking of having sex, so they were Gay... now look and see what God did to Sodom and Gomorrah for being this way in verse 24 and 25 of the same chapter,
"24 Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;
25 And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground"
The Lord does not approve of Homosexuals... PERIOD. If any Christian does, then they deny God and his Law. Read the whole chapter, Genesis 19, and if that doesn't pound it through your think skull that it is wrong, then I don't know what will. Besides? What was the downfall of the Roman empire? how could such a huge empire just crumble? Well, We know that God is in control, and when the Roman empire started to allow Homosexuals, and all other forms of fornication into there Empire... The Lord Ended it. Homosexuals were the reason for the fall of the Roman empire... And it will be the fall of all of the nations that allow it now. I can promis you that.
lesfleures america is changing for the better, it is slowly moving away from its religious fundermentalism (key word mental, but obviously there is a difficult transition stage ahead... the point i'm try to make is please don't look to scriptures or other people to steer your opinion on this subject - you must already know what you think just relax and go with it, in years to come this will be such a no-point question people will find it hard to believe we ever even worried / thought about it.
I wouldn't use scripture from the bible to back up/use against any's a mash of contrdictions and hypocracy.
This is the book after all in dueteronomy which says that it's against gods law to wear cotton and wool together....who needs Cosmo eh? Relax and be thankful that church's influence in modern life is lessening all the time.
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i think that we are an experament and aleins put us here, to see if we could adapt, do you ever notice that all of life is like a perfect circle and we are outside of it, we have to destroy anf recreate to support ourselves we kill everything around us so we can live happier, plus we are the only ones with a *sole persay* we have to come from somewhere else, the race that dropped us off here probly created the bible because the weakminded were giving up in life, and the experament wasnt going to well, so if we had something to believe in, like that we would go to some bull **** heaven if we were good, where everything is happy we would keep going. jesus would be easy to create with how uneducated people were and the lack of technolegy that we had back then. we are just now getting advanced enough to even spot extra terestrials sometimes. so i wouldnt take the bible for **** cause its only their to brainwash us, of corse the aleins wouldnt want homos how could the species keep recreating, and how could the experament keep going if all of the guys and girls were only ******* people from there own sex?
The real church attitude is that there is a difference between a homosexual and a 'practising' homosexual...much as a heterosexual and an unmarried heterosexual. The Church however was steeped in we all were..about homosexuality. At the end of the day people have to make their own INFORMED choices;he business of being taken by the brother was essential in year dot but very convenient Jewish lusting later. I add that the Egyptian royalty way of life which influenced Judaism was one in which the woman was the bloodline and the man married in...Not all or many homosexuals give a toss about the Bible...but whatever they do our "job" is to be kind and just and loving of them. In our enlightened state we know that homosexuality has several root causes(yeah, ok!!) nd immorality is not always one.If God was correctly portrayes..and it is not...he would love homosexuals just as he loves others...the most misunderstood tale in the New Testament is 'the Prodigal Son'
if you look at todays society, nothing out there is what we would call religously correct. we have catholic preist molesting children, cults killing, and ect. Doesnt the bible teach us to be forgiving and teach us to love all no matter race age or sex? Do onto to others as you would want done to comes in no size, shape, color or sex...just an opinion.