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lost me at sign!

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JulieEve | 21:10 Thu 05th Jul 2007 | Technology
5 Answers
Never happened before! Im wanting to enrol on a site and my at comes out as ' or " what am I doing wrong. Sorry Im a bit thick!!!


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It's not you - it's the site.

Try using the " instead of @.

Bet it works
Question Author
Ethel... thanks for that!! let me try it! and while you're on ( font of all knowledge - in my eyes! ) - would you know why - when I type - the text keep wrapping? (have to backspace and retype!). Sorry to ask ! but I think ya T O P!
Has it worked?

Where are having problems with the text wrap? Particular sites, programs or everywhere?

JulieEve, If your problem with @ " # ' � etc is more widespread than just the one website, I is because your computer has defaulted to believing it is connected to a United States keyboard. I suggest you check the following:

Go to START menu
Control Panel
Regional & Language Options
choose the 'Languages' tab
Under 'text sevices and input languages
Click the 'Details' button
Make sure 'English UK Keyboard UK' is chosen
Question Author
Thank you both for your answers and sorry for late reply !
English kb is selected and yes the " did work!!
Text wraps on just about everything - even signing on!

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lost me at sign!

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