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Ants in the compost bin

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pinkkitty | 10:16 Tue 10th Jul 2007 | Gardening
3 Answers
We've recently started composting, but now a colony of ants has taken up residence in our compost bin. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? am new to composting so have no idea. My sister in law suggested killing them off using artificial sweetner, but that seems really mean! any suggestions?



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Ants are the least of your insect neighbors harbored in a healthy compost bin or heap. It get's really creepy crawly as time goes on... some times a healthy compost can look like the whole thing is about to walk off... but don't fear... it's a good thing...
my llama eats the compost heap is too acidic for the anty goodness.
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you have a Llama? how cool!

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Ants in the compost bin

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