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sleepy1 | 10:26 Wed 11th Jul 2007 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
i want breakfast in bed ........................some one please bring me it nowwwwwwwwwwwww thanks


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Im on my way sleepy darlin, fresh juice, coffee, scrambled egg and toast,ok for you?
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oooo Baby Jane .....while you are about it.......
Morning sleepy :-)

Anything for you bigmamma, and thanks for the kind words on my thread yesterday
just been out to get the paper for you too x
Thankyou Baby Jane :-)
A morning paper True Blue , super , what do you read sleepy , I only need the supplement and the free CD.
Pancakes and maple syrup for pudding Sleepy?
Hmmm, do you want feeding as well?
your on your pc/laptop in bed??? lazy daisy!! im jealous
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thanks every one ....

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