For goodness sake! Struggling?? There are TEN WEEKS left to do this puzzle. Why did you send for it? To be first finished?
You are managing to spoil it for the real puzzlers who like the challenge.
I am also struggling with this one. Real puzzlers don't have to look at the anwers if they want to work them out all by themselves but I like many others do appreciate some help sometimes.
79 sell down the river
Good luck
I snd for quizzes to try and do then also hope my �1 will help a bit any prize i have won I give back. But some time you need help, every one does at some time.!
Always help where I can.
24. Think of a word for irrigate then add a word for cast off
33. anagram of cinemax the rest will be obvious.
68. anagram of the first three words
85. anagram of leak followed by a word for the best.
will tell you if these dont help.
thank you vicmarion very helpful and kind managed all of then but for number 24 mind will not work on that one may be because its 67 years old. thank you for your help. have got the milk quiz today so will start that. all the best and thanks
quizbabe only thing i come up with for cast off is shed but cannot see it being that cannot link watershed too irrigate its doing my head in now, I give up going to do the quiz about milk.
24 irrigate is water then you can add your shed.
I beat you both, teddybears and quizbabe my brain is 78, no wonder I could not do the pop groups one I am right out of touch!!!
Haven't got the milk quiz, can you tell me what it is about and where to get it. I am ploughing my way through the Melksham Summer Quiz reckon it will take me until the closing date for that one, I also have the Kettering Samaritans Dingbats and the Pendleside hospice film dingbats.
things related to milk. cloing date 02.08.07 you can send for it.Quiz
12 Hillside
Overdale Park.
Nth Yorkshire.
BD23 6XF
Cheque to A.Turner 30p & s.a.e.
good luck with all your quizzes